Russian Version

Zadorin Alexandr Ivanovich

Doctor of Science in mathematics,
professor of the Chair of Mathematical Modelling

   Date of birth 10.03.1952

   Main work: Omsk department of Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of Academy of Science, laboratory of mathematical modelling in mechanics, leading research worker.

   Area of scientific interests: Calculative mathematics, difference schemes for singular perturbed problems, numerical methods for boundary value problems in unlimited domains, numerical modelling of transfer processes.

General number of the publications: more 60.

Some publications

1. Zadorin A.I. About the numerical solution of the third boundary value problem for a equation with a small parameter // Journal of Comput. Math. and Math. Physics , 1984, V.24, N 7, p.1008- 1015.

2. Ignatyev V.N., Zadorin A.I. A finite- difference a method for modelling of two-dimensional laminar flame // Physics of burning and explosion, 1986, N 4, 39-42.

3. Zadorin A.I. The numerical solution of a quasilineear equation with small parameter //Modeling in the mechanic,1989, V.3, N 2, p.89- 94.

4. Zadorin A.I.,Ignatyev V.N. A difference scheme for nonlinear singularly perturbed equation of the second order // Journal of Comput. Math. and Math. Physics, 1990,V.29, N 9, p. 1425- 1430.

5. Zadorin A.I.,Ignatyev V.N.Numerical solution of a singularly perturbed second order quasiilinear equation //Journal of Comput. Math. and Math. Physics , 1991, V.31, N 1, p. 157- 161.

6. Zadorin A.I. The numerical solution of a ordinary equation of the second order with weak expressed boundary layer // Modeling in the mechanic, 1991, V.5, N 1, p.141- 152.

7. Zadorin A.I. Numerical solution of a boundary value problem for a set of equations with a small parameter //Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, V. 38, N8, p. 1201-1211, 1998.

8. Zadorin A.I. Numerical solution of an equation with a small parameter on an infinite interval //Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, V. 38, N10, p. 1602-1614, 1998.

9. Zadorin A.I. Reduction of a boundary value problem for a second-order linear vector difference equation to a finite number of grid points // Computational mathematics and mathematical physics, V. 40, N4, p. 519-528, 2000.

10. Zadorin A.I. Numerical solution of the nonlinear differential equation with a small parameter on the infinite interval// Numerical and Analytical Methods for Convection-Dominated and Singularly Perturbed Problems. Eds. J.J.K. Miller, G.I. Shishkin, L.G. Vulkov, 2000, Nova Science, New York, 2000.


Address: Omsk, 644077, Mira 55-a, Omsk state university, Chair of Mathematical Modelling;
                  Omsk, 644099, Pevcova 13, Omsk department of Institute of Mathematics.
